Animated Rainbow Nyan Cat
welcome to my world!
HELLOHELLO! here's a little bit about me and this site! i made this website to improve my htmlcss skills and to get away from corporate social media! this is a little corner on the internet where i can be myself without being judged! you can call me dirt or climber! i'm a 14 year old system with a love for making friends, coding, oc tournaments, drawing, listening to music, and things of the like! i also like typology :D i'm an INFP 2w1 (sorry for being infp). my favorite character and f/o of all time is karl from law of talos! i don't mind other karl likers or anything, i think karls pretty cool and anyone else who likes him is automatically just as cool :^) i'm questioning my gender, but ik i'm pansexual and polyamorous (altho i'm not looking).